Treatments for Nasal Obstructions

Nasal obstruction is a condition that makes breathing through the nose more difficult. Nasal obstruction limits the airflow in and out of the nose. Also known as nasal congestion, nasal obstruction is caused by enlarged turbinates, nasal congestion, nasal polyps, deviated nasal septum, tumors, and enlarged adenoids. Nasal obstruction includes anything which impedes the flow of air in and out of the nose thus, affecting one or both passages.

In addition to this, the nasal obstruction can also be caused by an anatomical blockage or swelling of the nasal tissue which narrows the nasal cavity as well as congested passages. Nasal obstruction can be so uncomfortable when it frequently occurs which can affect one’s quality of life.

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on UnsplashPhoto by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

Nasal obstruction can lead to several problems such as:

Trouble sleeping
Breathing difficulty
Reduced sense of taste and smell
Recurring sinusitis
Obstructive sleep apnea
Post-nasal drip
Sleeping disorders

Temporary causes of nasal congestion or obstruction

Chronic sinusitis
Cold or flu
Some high blood pressure medication can cause nasal obstruction
Environmental irritants like dust or smoke
Nasal and sinus surgery

Anatomical factors that can bring about nasal obstruction

Enlarged turbinates- bony structures
Nasal tumors such as cancerous or benign
Nasal polyps such as benign growth in the nasal cavity
Deviated nasal septum- deformed cartilage within the nose which blocks the airway

Nasal obstruction consultation and evaluation

The consultation starts with a comprehensive analysis of any associated medical history. It is vital for the doctor to understand what one’s sinus-connected symptoms are, their duration as well as any previous medication one has been taking. A detailed physical exam usually is conducted to seek anatomical clues such as deviated septum, allergic or swollen nose, enlarged turbinates or adenoids, sinus lining, masses or polyps which will help the doctor to understand the cause of the obstruction. Once done, the doctor will formulate a complete treatment plan which will involve medication trials as well as further testing. Typically, the follow up is done after weeks to determine whether the treatment is effective.

Nasal obstruction treatment

Nasal obstruction treatments are meant to make one’s breathing easier; improve their day-to-day activities, as well as the quality of their sleep. Some nasal obstruction treatments can be done from home. When one understands what causes their nasal congestion, it helps determine the best medication for them. One of the treatments that the doctor will recommend are home treatments.

Home treatments procedures that are useful in relieving nasal congestion and decreasing snoring include:

Avoiding known allergens
Using a saline solution with distilled water to irrigate the nasal and sinus passages. One can use a bulb syringe, buy a pre-made saline solution or use a neti-pot to water the passages.
Using a humidifier will help keep open the nasal passages
Blowing one’s nose before bed will not allow mucus to build up hence making the passage as clear as possible
Taking a hot shower before going to bed – this will help steam up the nasal airways thus, opening them
Drinking lots of water also helps to keep the mucus flowing
Avoid smoking- smoking is an outside irritant hence, can make worse the congestion
Sleeping on one’s side-sleeping on one’s back can lead to mucus building-up

The severity of the nasal congestion including the cause will determine what the doctor will describe for the patient:

Nasal corticosteroids -Fluticasone, Budesonide, Triamcinolone
Nasal antihistamines -azelastine, olopatadine
Oral antihistamines
Oral anti-leukotrienes –Montelukast
Antibiotics in case a bacterial infection is detected

All of these medications come with their advantages, disadvantages as well as side effects which the doctor will elaborate to the patient. In some cases, over-the-counter medication trials for such like nasal saline irrigation such as Neti-pot and Guaifenesin is recommended. Oral steroids such as prednisone are used to treat both chronic and acute sinusitis, although their long-term use is not recommended. Topical decongestants like Oxymetazoline can be used for relieving symptoms in critical situations. However, great care must be taken due to their addictive nature after a few days of use. These kinds of medications are useful in the most case. Nevertheless, some few cases may require surgery when anatomical sources are present.

Sinus and nasal surgery

Nasal and sinus surgery is conducted to widen the openings that drain the sinus, to effectively treat such conditions like rhinitis, nasal congestion, polyps, sinusitis and others.

In-office treatment for nasal congestion

There are various types of sinus surgery, most of which can be conducted through minimally invasive procedures that need no hospital stay and no incisions such as radiofrequency turbinate coblation. This kind of procedure involves a minimally invasive process which includes decreasing the turbinate tissue using radiofrequency energy. Other surgical operations that a doctor will recommend for anatomical nasal obstruction include:


This kind of surgery is done to straighten the nasal septum.

Turbinate reduction

This type of surgery is also known as turbinoplasty or turbinectomy. It is typically conducted when the patient is under general anesthesia, to reduce airway resistance by decreasing the turbinate size.

Image-guided endoscopic sinus surgery

An endoscope is used to perform this kind of surgical procedure on outpatients to restore the drainage and ventilation the nasal cavity.

Nasal valve surgery

A surgical process customarily conducted under general anesthesia. It involves reconstruction or repairing of the internal and external nose structures to allow air to flow correctly into the nasal passages.

If you are undergoing nasal congestion or obstruction as well as disruptive snoring caused by nasal blockage, book an appointment with one of the doctors at the Becker Ear Nose & Throat Center to have your nasal congestion repaired. Find more information here:

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
