Travel Like a Local in London- Your 2021 Summer Guide

Being a tourist is fun, but being caught up in tourist trap one after another is just an exercise in frustration. If you want to see the best parts of any city and save money to boot, then you need to travel like the locals live. This is how you’ll find truly wonderful things, from things to do to things to see. It’s a mistake to assume that those who live in London don’t act like tourists themselves. They want to see and do the next biggest thing. They want to go through all the old palaces and royal residences. There are a lot of ways that a smart traveler to London and a local Londoner are alike, and with this guide, you too can travel like a local in London.

two dark haired boys looking out at London skyline in daytime

London’s Lockdown

Lockdown in London is easing, and by summer, everything should be open back up. That being said, there are a few things you need to know. Face masks are mandatory in stores and on public transport. You will also need to book timed entry tickets to all of the big destinations, even if the ticket itself is free. This is to make it easy for guests to socially distance themselves, and it’s actually for the best. Many popular places (even for Londoners) can become crowded, so the timed tickets actually can help you enjoy museums, galleries, and other destinations that much more.


Scout Out Great Places to Eat in Advance


London is a modern metropolis, which means that though it is the capital of England, it is also an unofficial capital of the world. Here you will find people from everywhere, and more importantly for your trip, you’ll find restaurants from around the world. There are many, many options, however. Some are great. Others are not worth the hype. A great way to make your trip great is to follow local foodies and to make a list of top restaurants, like, before you head out.

This doesn’t mean you cannot duck into a good-looking restaurant when you are out and about, but by having a list of great options, you can take the stress out of finding somewhere good to eat. Checking through to see where you want to eat is also a great way to make the planning portion of your trip that much more fun.


Explore Neighborhoods for the Best Experience


You will not and cannot see all of London in one trip. People who live in London for years still haven’t seen all of London, and even if they did, new things are always cropping up. This summer alone, a new hill in Hyde Park is in the works, as well as many big art events throughout the city to bring in tourists and to wow the locals.


That’s why it’s a good idea to not waste time traveling from one place to another. Instead, pick one destination. This could be Kensington and Chelsea. It could be Notting Hill. It could be the City of London. Whatever area you choose, go there, and do all you can in that one area. This is how you will get a real feel for it and how you can enjoy yourself that much more. You’ll find your own hidden gems, and you’ll save time and energy by focusing on one area per day.


Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
