Life isn’t Uniform with M&S

With children there’s always a milestone round every corner, even if you don’t realise it. Boo is coming to the end of Year 2 (here’s Boo showing you how cool it is to be in Year 2) and will head to Juniors in September – whilst it may only be a move across the field it’s another step and one that will undoubtedly be marked by new uniform and that means one thing… M&S.


You can’t be M&S for school uniform – Boo’s dressed exclusively in their uniform range since nursery and it never fails on quality, practicality and fit. The summer term is in full swing and my go to uniform set up are these pure cotton summer dresses and cotton rich knee high socks.

#lifeisntuniform #lifeisntuniform #lifeisntuniform

M&S know that life isn’t uniform for families and that it’s ok, funny moments and mishaps are what make family life as fun (we’ll ignore the exhaustion shall we 😉 and unique to each of us.


This is our Life Isn’t Uniform Story…

Three years ago this week, Boo broke two bones in her arm whilst we were on holiday. She went on to re-break the same bones less than a month later which resulted in surgery and a series of casts that would see her throughs the entire summer. As a mother there is nothing worse than seeing your child hurt and in pain, especially when all you want to do is take it away for them.

Yes there were tears (from both of us) yet throughout the whole thing Boo was as upbeat as ever, maybe it’s because she’s such trooper with all her health hurdles and simply took this in her stride or perhaps it’s down to her amazing personality – whatever it was (and still is) I’m immensely proud… as always.

Here Boo is three years on with an amazingly function arm all considering and proudly displaying her collection of casts – totally normal to have kept them all of this time, right?


For Boo these are more than pink casts; these are reminders of just how much of a bad ass she is!


We’ve been sharing our story along with some other lovely ladies, Sarah from This Mama Life, Mel from Le Coin De Mel and Sarah from Surrey Mama over on the M&S website – you can check it out here. Have you got any funny ‘Life Isn’t Funny’ stories? Feel free to share them with me and M&S across social using the tag #lifeisntuniform

Disclosure: This is a collaboration with M&S, a fee was received for my time.
