How to Make Your Living Room Better for Family Entertaining

Do you love being able to gather with the whole extended family in your home? Are you often considered the entertainer of the bunch and your house is just the natural gathering place for the family? If so, there’s no doubt you want to create the kind of home that feels welcoming and comfortable to your extended family, as well as your own family. With that said, we’ve got some style and décor tips that can help you transform your living room, making it even better for family entertaining.

Hello armchair surrounded by living room furniture

Provide Plenty of Seating for All

One of the most important elements when designing a living room perfect for entertaining the whole family is to have enough seating for all. This may require you to move things around, change up the layout a bit, or even invest in new furniture.

A tip to help you work in additional seating is to purchase more streamlined furniture so you can fit more pieces into the room. You can also look for multi-functional pieces such as an ottoman that can double as extra seating.

As you position the furniture in the room, make sure it is conducive to chatting with one another, which means the furniture is all facing each other.

Use an Area Rug to Anchor the Furniture

Once you’ve got the furniture in place, you can then use an area rug to anchor the seating area. This will act as a decorative border if you will, making it clear where the conversational area is.

Ensure There is Ample Lighting

You also want to be sure that the room is well lit no matter what time of day or what the weather is doing outside, so that could involve a combination of overhead lighting, table lamps, and floor lamps.

Make the Fireplace the Focal Point

If you have a fireplace in your living room, you’ll want to take full advantage of it, not just from a functional standpoint, but a design standpoint. You can transform it to look like an antique fireplace by adding a lovely and ornate mantel that is made from a traditional material like wood, stone, slate, or cast iron. This will instantly make the fireplace appear grander, more elegant, and give it character.

Create a Bar in Your Living Room

For those homeowners who want to be able to serve drinks to their guests with a little style, why not create a bar in your living room? You can easily set up a small dry bar area in the room, which could become the most popular spot to flock to.

Bar carts are a great option for small spaces, and they are on wheels which means you can move them around the room. Just be sure that you always keep the bar cart well-stocked so that you’re prepared whenever your family drops by.

After making these changes and décor additions, all that’s left for you to do is invite the family over for a visit.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
