Gym Class Hero with Lycra and Leggings

You’ve all read about #operationyummymummy – in fact they’re some of your favourite posts, with most of the focus being on running. However after the British 10K last July I’ve been suffering on and off (although mostly on) with a heel injury which just won’t go. My first love has always been running but I’ve realised that for now it’s just not an option.

For the last couple of weeks I’ve been quietly hitting the gym, building up my sessions so now I’m going 5-6 times per week. However I’ve not actually been in the gym, instead I’ve opted to do my workouts in group exercise classes, I’d started to do a few last year but this time I’ve really thrown myself into it, it’s brilliant how after only a few weeks you’re chatting away with new friends who are there for the same thing as you – to work on their fitness.

As well as my beloved Outdoor Fitness I’m really enjoying Boxercise, Bodypump and I’m even signed up for Tabata tomorrow morning before Boo’s swimming lesson – ok hold up if you don’t know what Tabata is, go Google it and keep your fingers crossed I survive!


I’m also trying really hard with nutrition, goodbye village bakers hello protein shakes, but I’m not pretending to be perfect: I may have scoffed a chocolate digestive while the kettle was boiling this afternoon!

It’s early days but I know that as long as I put the hard work in, the results will come – I’m aware that my workout schedule is pretty grueling at the moment so I’m realistic in that I don’t expect to keep this up forever, just as a kick-start for a couple of months.

One thing that’s happened over night is the soreness, let me tell you that walking the morning after Bodypump is not a given and should be greatly appreciated! I’m either in lycra or leggings (jeans sometimes are just too painful after over 400 squats a week!)

How are you kick starting your fitness this spring? I’d love to hear from you and remember to follow #operationyummymummy when I’m hanging after 60 minutes of Outdoor Fitness on a Saturday morning, the likes and comments really do help!
