Enjoy Every Step Of Pregnancy, And Stay Healthy!

Pregnancy can be understood as a passive period until the baby is born. It feels like nothing more than resting and waiting. But you should know that your health and your wellbeing are the most important factors during this time. In this article, we will focus on how to improve your lifestyle and tips that will help you feel more prepared. It’s a way to “program” your health forever, not just during pregnancy. Taking each step of pregnancy as it comes is not easy, there are twists and turns, but ultimately the end goal is your beautiful baby. It’s lovely to document things as you go along. Journaling is one fantastic way; another is to photograph the occasion. You could look at a lifestyle maternity photographer too to help you capture the beauty along the road. Here are some other tips to help keep your mood boosted during those magical and turbulent nine months!


Get physical, but not too much!


Performing physical activities during pregnancy can provide excellent results, such as improving your mood, helping to reduce pain, and even promoting sleep. Exercise strengthens the muscles, essential for preparing for childbirth. In this way, having an exercise routine for pregnant women is the best option, although always after consulting with the specialist.


  1. Going for a walk every day is the ideal exercise for any pregnant woman. It is a complete activity regardless of the degree of previous physical activity of the pregnant woman. Of course, it is important to start gradually depending on the starting activity of each woman.
  2. Swimming or water gymnastics are low-impact activities and are very comfortable for the pregnant woman due to the buoyancy of the water. For this reason, they are highly recommended, especially in the last trimester.
  3. Yoga or Pilates are highly recommended exercises to prepare the pregnant woman’s body as they combine gentle movements with breathing exercises, therefore helping to improve elasticity, strength and the ability to relax.
  4. If you are a pregnant runner, you will have to consult with your doctor to assess your physical condition and your pregnancy. If they give you the go-ahead, follow his instructions, and you can keep going for a run as long as they recommend it.

Eliminate discomfort

At bedtime, it is necessary for our body to feel safe. Therefore, it is essential to control the environment where you rest so that your sleep has as few complications as possible. For example, use a mosquito net to avoid interruptions at night and risk of illness. Control the temperature; the ideal is that it is comfortable, either through air conditioning, fan or windows. Bundle up properly with duvets in cold places. And try to eliminate noise as much as possible. Many small details can disturb your sleep at night, but each annoyance that you manage to eliminate is one step closer to your ideal rest.

Emotional health during pregnancy: how to avoid stress

Stress and anxiety are one of the most common problems that any woman can suffer during pregnancy, especially if they are new mothers. For this reason, special attention must be paid to the emotional health of the mother to prevent stress from causing negative consequences for her or the baby. If the mother’s stress is prolonged over time, it could cause some complications such as high blood pressure or insomnia, as well as low birth weight or premature delivery. Finding methods that help minimize stress in the pregnant woman is essential for her to live the pregnancy in a serene, healthy and happy way. Getting adequate rest at least 8 hours, eating a good diet and resorting to relaxation techniques are healthy lifestyle habits that help combat stress.

Get a more effective diet. 

During pregnancy, the uterus increases considerably in size, which will cause significant pressure on the rectum that will decrease intestinal motility. If you add more fibre to your diet and increase your water consumption, you can assist your problems. Certain supplements can also assist, such as iron supplements, but anything that you decide to take must be run past your general practitioner first. 


Please do not wait to suffer with digestive issues, as your baby needs sthe food as much as you do. So start right now, prevention is the first measure we must take to keep a healthy diet during pregnancy:


  • Drink lots of water. It is the specific advice that we rarely heed. It is cheap and straightforward, but we forget it. Set a goal, a litre and a half bottle of water and a small one of half a litre. That will be the minimum amount of water that you should consume in your day. This way, you will know how many babies are, and you will guarantee a correct contribution.
  • Let’s bet on whole grains. Substitute refined products such as flour, rice, pasta, bread for whole grains.
  • Legumes at least three days a week. They admit many preparations, in a stew, cooked, salads, take your imagination. It is a complete dish and very affordable to the pocket.
  • Fresh fruit whenever you’re a little hungry. It will also help you satisfy your appetite, even for a little while.
  • Incorporate nuts into your routine, better without salt.
  • Forget fatty foods, such as cheeses, butter.
  • If your doctor doesn’t advise against it, try doing some exercise. You know, Pilates or yoga are very beneficial because they will also help you to strengthen the pelvic floor. But the walks cannot be missed. Physical exercise will help you improve intestinal motility.


Pregnancy is a beautiful time, but it is known that it comes with some difficulties too. You should always seek out the help of your medical professional team if you feel any anxiety or fear during your pregnancy. Nobody said it would be smooth running, but it will undoubtedly be worth it in the end. Take time to write down your thoughts, capture the beautiful moments, change your lifestyle to make things easier and create the most incredible start to your motherhood.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

