How to Feel Like Yourself After Having a Baby

Having a baby is a huge life adjustment and while a newborn is the most precious gift in the world, it can feel like you have lost yourself in the processs, which can have a knock-on effect on your confidence. Being a mum is a huge task– and there is none that it can be compared to, so you may feel stressed and overwhelmed at the concept of being responsible for another human being. However, in addition to your new bundle of joy, you also need to pay attention to yourself too. Don’t fret too much over this though, as a fluctuation in hormones is a natural occurrence in the days and weeks after birth, so you’re not alone.

Check out these tips on how to regain confidence after having a baby:

  • Take time out for you

Although parenting will take up most of your day, you also need to schedule in some ‘me’ time in order to keep yourself sane. You need to have a balance in your life to revitalise your body and mind and help you deal with and get used to early days of motherhood, so you can be at your best to take care of your child. At times, you’re going to feel frustrated, tired and bad-tempered; therefore, it’s important to ask your partner or relative to watch the baby for an hour or two and simply switch off to recharge your batteries.

Photo by Brian Gordillo on Unsplash

  • Hang out with friends

Now, more than ever, you need your friends to lean on, so make an effort to schedule in one day per week to see your closest pals, to give you a taste of life before you came ‘mummy’. However, do be aware of competitive friends who have also become new parents that wish to compare the growth and development of their baby with your own, as this may make you feel inadequate. Instead,  ensure you surround yourself with those who have your best interests at heart and give you positive advice.

  • Take pride in your appearance

Since giving birth, have you lounged around in your PJs and not had any motivation to get dressed? All new mums feel the same, but it would be wise to think about making an effort in your appearance to help you feel like your old self and get your inner confidence back. After carrying a baby, your body will have changed you may feel unattractive. Go shopping for a whole new selection of clothes, go to the hairdressers or perhaps even invest in Botox and fillers from to give your face a plumper finish to get rid of any lines that may have developed from stress and tiredness.

  • Find a supportive group of local mums

If you feel you’re struggling to cope without support, why not join a baby group to get genuine help and advice? Whether that is online or in your local area, you’ll be able to ask questions and get answers from others in the same boat to assist you and allow you to feel more confident in your new mummy role.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
