World Prematurity Day 2013 – Give a Hug

A quick cuddle in Neonatal care!

Smiling and crying is no easy task!

Today is World Prematurity Day, but then you all know about Boo’s premature birth and my efforts for last years #WPD. So today isn’t about me reeling of statistics that will both bore you and make you cry, today is about giving a hug.

Bliss are on a mission to help make hugs a possibility for every baby. A premature baby may not get a hug with their parents for days even weeks. I was blessed to have a few precious minutes with Boo before she was taken away to NICU, it was then over 4 hours until I hugged her again and even then we couldn’t hold her for too long as she needed to be back in her incubator.

I’ve been adamant from the day we brought our tiny Boo home from hospital that she would be as normal as possible and that her being premature wouldn’t make any difference, but I was wrong and I think it’s only in the last few months that I’ve truly understood that it just can’t happen like that. Boo’s recent hospital stay shows us just how precious our world is.

Bliss have done some amazing work but really need help from every single one of us to make sure they can keep making hugs happen.

Life is precious, there’s nothing like having a premature baby to teach you that, so in true Mummy and Boo fashion here’s us having a rather festive hug today!

Mummy and Boo hug
