Why Spending Time With Older Relatives Is Important

As the holiday season approaches, it is a time to catch up with loved ones. During the year, so much is going on from work to family to travel to downtime that we sometimes forget to check in with the ones we love. Now that the holidays are approaching, we are going to be around everyone and be able to spend the time with each other we were hoping to spend during the year. 


Unfortunately, some of our elderly relatives cannot travel well, so we must go to them. The time spent with them is optimal for their health and well being, which is what makes visiting them so important. Here are the reasons why it is so important to make the time to visit with older relatives. 

older woman, child and woman sat on grass looking out to sea.

It Improves Their Memory

The idle brain will start to deteriorate. When the brain is kept sharp through games, reading, or stimulating conversation, it will be healthier and stronger. One of the first things to go when a person gets older is their memory. When you visit with a loved one, you can talk to them about the past, their life, and relatives from long ago. 


The thinking keeps their memory strong and they can remember more not only from the past but from the present as well. The more they see you the more they will recognize you, and that means they will be more interactive with you and they will be more joyous and more willing to be communicative and interactive. 


You Can Check On Their Wellness

If you have an older relative that lives alone, visiting them allows you to check on their wellness. You can see if they are keeping their home as clean as it should be, if they are bathing themselves, and if they are eating properly. A lot of elderly people stop taking care of themselves. Visiting allows you to ensure they are doing okay.


If your loved one lives in a nursing home, this is also an opportunity to check to make sure they are being treated well and the staff is truly caring for them. If for any reason you suspect your elderly relative is not being treated fairly, contact a nursing home abuse attorney to get to the bottom of what could be a very difficult situation. 


You Can Learn About Your Family

We are so busy building our own families that sometimes we forget to take a moment and reflect on our own history. There is a long line of relatives from over the years that have played or continue to play a pivotal role in our lives. Whether it’s genetics that can explain certain issues, or just knowing why our hair color is the way it is, it all lies in our history.


When you visit with your elderly loved one, you have the opportunity to look at photos, hear stories, and learn interesting facts about our pasts. The best part about this is that what has happened in the past can have a direct influence on your own children, and it is good to know what could be affecting them as well. 


A Visit Will Lift Their Spirits

It can get lonely when you get older because your generation gets smaller, and your loved ones are no longer with you. The younger generations are just so busy living that older people feel like they are a burden if they ask for help or ask for a visit. Take this notion out of their mind by making the effort to see them without being prompted. 


When they see that loved ones are still interested in being with them, they will feel more wanted and needed. Having those feelings will bring them large amounts of joy as their loneliness will not feel so big. 


They Will Feel Included

As the holidays are approaching, a lot of elderly people do not have anywhere to go. A lot of them no longer have family, and your loved ones may be friends with them and see how unfortunate their situation is. Your loved one, however, has you, and when this time of year rolls around and the family is getting together, your elderly loved one will feel they always have a place to go. 


The feeling of inclusion is so important when you are older. A lot of older people feel forgotten, but when you remember them and include them, it really helps their mental and emotional health and their ability to function well. 

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
