Where To With The Blog? A Return Of The Familiar

I looked round the blog this week – it’s tired, a bit digitally dusty but at over a decade old full of far too many memories and accomplishments to simply allow to fall by the wayside. Plus I actually enjoy blogging or at least I used to. So what happened?

The pandemic ended the rhythm (and steady income) of the blog – so I did what so many others did and pivoted. I chose politics, science and current affairs as my existing skill set supported these and it proved not only popular but successful. However the more I spoke on Instagram about mRNA and the difference between legislation and guidance the less space I had left for blogging, or so I thought. 

I want more, however in the pursuit of more I forgot that I can retain the blog along with many other things. Politics, current affairs and the commentary that comes with it brings me fulfilment – that I may pursue career wise – but does that detract from what I both bring to and take away from the blog? After over a years’ hiatus of personal posts, the answer I’ve arrived at is, no.

So the Nigella of Politics will stay confined to social media – for now – wth the blog coming home in terms of content: travel and lifestyle. That’s what I’m happiest writing about, and hope to continue in some form for many years. 

Woman with short brown hair smiling wearing pink shirt

Blogging and content creation as it has evolved into is so different than what it looked like over thirteen years ago – OGs will remember that Mummy and Boo was not my first blog, perhaps some of my hesitancy to continue is feeling like a dinosaur in a sector that is still in its toddler stage. 

I’ve also struggled with blog identity. Mummy and Boo? What does it mean? Isn’t the word ‘mummy’ ‘basic and tragic’ to borrow a phrase from Boo? It’s barely uttered in our house by Boo, so is it relevant anymore? These I’ve come to realise are distractions, distractions from chasing the blinking cursor and writing, not just to a brief or deadline but writing for an audience and to an extent myself. For now the name is staying, Mummy and Boo was never about weaning or the fourth trimester, it was about our lives and this is a continuation.

I’ve also come to realise that whilst there is so much I want to tweak/change about the the blog, the reality is that waiting for perfection achieves nothing, instead committing to returning to my roots will ensure I’m forced to sit in the blog space and work out what I truly want as I create content. Deciding upon a new blog theme, is like deciding upon a new drastic hairstyle: it’s a process, trust me I know!

I want more but also the same, and reigniting my initial love for the blog is a great way to begin this. 

I’m also not mad that it means I’ll need to actually travel somewhere, all in the name of blogging… how very 2014.

Welcome back.


1 Comment

  1. March 3, 2022 / 16:33

    Welcome back!