How You Can Really Help With Your Child’s Homework

Helping your child with their homework doesn’t have to require you spending hours of your free time hunched over a desk — all you need to do is support your child and set them on the right path with regards to what they are being asked to do. You shouldn’t be passive in the experience, though. Studies have shown that the more involved a parent is with homework, the better their child will perform academically.

 To find the perfect balance when it comes to your child’s homework and to really support them with regards to it, you should put the advice laid out below into practice.

red pencil on top of mathematical quiz paper 


Always have the tools and supplies they need at hand

One of your most important jobs in this instance is to harbour a focused environment in which your child can study and learn. They will only ever become distracted and detached from their homework tasks, however, if they haven’t got the tools and supplies they need to complete their work at hand at all times. This means that you have to go out there and invest in everything they need — from pencils to printers, they need it all. With regards to the latter, you can find a wide variety of printing supplies online — amongst a great deal of many other products, they stock HP 302 ink cartridge packs.


If you want to make distraction a thing of the past, you have to ensure that your child has everything they need to complete every homework task they are set.


Get to know your child’s teachers 

Knowing your child’s teachers – more to the point, getting to know what their teachers are looking for — is half the battle won. This allows you to push your child towards giving answers that you know their teacher will value.


The best time to find out a little bit more about your child’s teacher is at parent-teacher conferences. At such events, you should make sure to ask questions about homework policies,and you should ask how you can be better involved with your child’s learning.



Set a good example

No matter how old he or she is, your child will always look to you as their number one role model. You should set them a good example when it comes to their homework tasks, then, by being proactive with regards to facing them. If you express a keen interest in the work that they are being asked to do, chances are, they will follow suit.

No matter what side of the fence you stand on with regards to whether or not homework should be handed out, you need to be involved and lead by example. Sit down with them and be there to answer any questions they may have.


If you feel that your child is continuing to struggle with their homework no matter how much support you offer, don’t be afraid to seek additional assistance for them. This could mean taking to their teacher, or it could mean hiring them a tutor.


Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
