Getting Organised for Back To School

It’s less than two weeks until back to school – some of you will be counting down and some will be savouring every last day; being a WAHM during the summer holidays is never easy however with Boo starting Year 4 I like to think I’ve found our groove when it comes to being organised with back to school and all that comes with it. I’m super organised and it’s often assumed that it’s a trait you’re just kind of have, but the truth is I’m naturally the most disorganised person you’ll meet; I made a conscious decision when I was a teenager to become organised and the rest they say is a history… of lists!

mother and daughter smiling under the bed covers

There’s no crazy secret, just tried and tested tips and most importantly not leaving everything until the last minute; even if you’ve not made a start, there’s still plenty of time – here are my top finds this year.

Our school like lots of other schools does restrict what Smiggle items are allowed however, I still find the back to school bundles offer the best value and the rucksack is perfect for clubs and weekends. I really love the bright print, and the added treats available help to make shopping that bit more fun. But hey anytime we step foot in a Smiggle store or browse their website it’s never boring for Boo.

flat lay of brightly patterned backpack, water bottle and stationary accessories

I am OBSESSED with labels – I have one of those handheld label printers and I will readily admit to labelling you if you stand still long enough! Jokes aside, they’re not messing when they say label everything that goes into school. Each summer I order a batch from Tinyme and this year I opted for two sheets of the stickers plus iron on stickers and shoe overlays. The shoe overlays have been an absolute game-changer – Boo came home with her school shoes every single day of Year 3 which if you know Boo is an achievement! 

flat lay of personalised name labels in brightly coloured designs

If your child needs glasses, then it’s also worth checking before the big return that they still have the same prescription, and if they need new glasses there are plenty of suitable options at which will help them return to school primed and ready for a new term. Things change quickly at their age, so always make sure kids have the right strength of glasses; they’ll need them considering how much reading they’ll be doing.

Back to school can feel like a chore but as Boo is that bit older it’s really nice to do things together, even if I do have to explain seventeen times why you can’t put hot tea in a water bottle – can’t blame a girl for trying… 

Disclosure: We were gifted the Smiggle back to school bundle pack.
