The disappointment of Facebook

The world and their great aunt are on Facebook, which means a melting pot of tastes, interest, religions, political views – horses for courses has always worked well for me; but what happens when content on Facebook is plain wrong?

This morning I saw a status by an old school Friend, Siobhan about a Facebook page – Juicy Jailbait (I downright refuse to link to it) promoting and encouraging the sexualisation of teenage girls, the majority are underage. I’m not too sure on the correct terminology appropriate but for me the men who liked, leered and commented what they’d like to do to these children are nothing more than pedophiles.

A whole bunch of us reported both the page and individual photos as inappropriate using the process created by Facebook (clicking the ‘more’ button the reporting and categorizing the reason why you believe the content should be removed). I along with everyone else I know who reported them received the same response from the message centre, that the content after been evaluated had not been deemed to breach Facebook’s community standards – I have no words, as a Mother, woman, human I’m appalled, saddened and angry. As of this moment Juicy Jailbait is still open as a page encouraging young girls to submit fan photos, these are children and in a digital age where we talk about online global communities aren’t we as adults charged with safeguarding their innocence, all of us?

Instead of leaning in Sheryl Sandberg, may I suggest you get your act together and deal with this – nothing more, nothing less, only what is right.



    • Rosie
      April 22, 2014 / 23:07

      I’m not too sure, I think it would be good if more people reported it, but in light of Facebook’s response if we could share this post, hopefully it will draw enough attention to make Facebook do the right thing.

  1. Abbie
    April 23, 2014 / 05:50

    I’ve reported this vile page but fear this is just the tip of the iceberg… 🙁

    • Rosie
      April 23, 2014 / 06:01

      Thanks – I agree, it’s just shocking that Facebook won’t do a thing about the ones that are brought to their attention.

  2. April 23, 2014 / 06:02

    Can’t comment on the site as it is a link I would not touch. The real problem is the virtual world is operating outside the bounds of moral decency.
    Facebook doesn’t understand the although there are many freedoms that individuals enjoy the majority and our children do not need to be exposed to them. The internet has taken the Sex shop few would have visited into our homes with devastating effect.
    Should facebook take the page down? Yes! can they be forced to? Unfortunately not. The remedy is effective parenting based on good communication.

  3. April 23, 2014 / 06:17

    If there is paedophilia on this page, report it to the police. Facebook is notoriously bad at dealing with offensive material. It’ll block a photo of a breastfeeding mother but allow overtly pornographic material. There is no sense in it. But anything sexualising underage children is illegal and a police matter.

  4. Anne
    April 23, 2014 / 06:18

    Will share and RT

  5. April 23, 2014 / 07:16

    Facebook are a fickled bunch, unless they share a lot of bare skin or actual nudity they will not remove it, but my friend had a topless picture of her 2 year old removed because that breached Facebook’s t&c and breast feeding pictures even with no breast actually shown get removed. I think it’s a joke. I know FB is American so maybe they have different ideas to us on what is right or wrong but just the name of the FB page sounds dodgy and some place a dirty old man would visit often.
    Rachel recently posted..Degustabox – A Surprise Food Box Each MonthMy Profile

  6. April 23, 2014 / 10:26

    I have just reported it as well. I can’t believe that they’re letting it go on. And as a mum, it makes me feel sick to my stomach.
    Carin recently posted..I’m going to Britmums Live 2014My Profile

    • April 23, 2014 / 11:18

      Just got my reply back and they said the same again. All I keep thinking of now is all the photos of breastfeeding babies that have had to be removed. Strange standards.
      Carin recently posted..I’m going to Britmums Live 2014My Profile