Boo’s 1st Holiday

Tomorrow is a big deal for Boo, tomorrow is when we head off on our first ever holiday and that means the first time she’ll have been on an aeroplane – although she’s still adamant that a plane is in fact a naughty bird… interesting!

We’re off to the north of Spain for a week to visit friends and enjoy some much-needed sun.

I’ve always enjoyed travelling and have never ben daunted by even long haul journeys but I must admit I have a fair few butterflies at the thought of navigating an airport on my own with a 22month old, luggage and a pushchair.

I’m now in panic mode of list of lists to make sure that none of the vitals are left behind (yes I know there are shops in Spain where everything can be bought!!) Deep down I know as long as we have a muslin for Boo to chew and a lollipop to help with popping of ears then all shall be fine.

It is less than 30 hours until take off so I want to hear if you have any last minute tips for travelling alone with a toddler.

I know that in 48 hours, passport control will be a distant memory and all that will matter is where to head for some delicious tapas in the sun!



    • Rosie
      June 4, 2013 / 13:59

      Thanks Gill, I’ll check it out! Before I had her I use to treat planes like buses but as you know, children take things to a whole new level! I’ll definitely be loading the iPad up with apps for Boo!

  1. June 4, 2013 / 17:15

    We went to France last year and bought a brand new toy and put it in a special bag with a magazine in it. The kids were only allowed to open their bag once we were on the plane. It kept them entertained for about 40 mins! There were also some sweets and snacks in the bags which kept them going until we arrived.
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