6 Security Updates To Do To Your Property This Winter

As the winter months continue to drag on, you might be looking for your next DIY project, and what better project is there than upgrading your home security.


Securing your property means different things to different people. For some, it means getting new locks, for others, it means installing an entire motion-sensing alarm system.


Here are six things you can install this winter to keep your home safe now and in the future. Most can be installed with little more than simple DIY skills too!

White corrugated doors secured with brass padlock

Install Cameras

It’s 2021, and with that comes technology that means pretty much everyone can have cameras on their property these days. Whether you go for a simple doorbell camera or a whole house IP camera system, having cameras on your property is a great security investment.


If you can’t quite stretch to a full set of security cameras, having fake cameras that look real and are highly visible, as well as CCTV signs up in plain sight, can be an incredible deterrent too.


Use Deterrent Devices

Sometimes it’s not enough to monitor your property; you may want to actively deter people from coming to your property instead.


If you want to keep teenagers away from your property, for example, you may wish to use a high-frequency deterrent alarm that is not audible to adult ears from Mosquito.


Install Motion Detectors

Motion detectors generally come in two types, detectors for movement and detectors for doors and windows to tell if they’ve been closed or opened.


Both are equally useful for securing your property and can be installed together. Body sensors will cover more area, but door and window alarms can trigger noises and alerts when they are opened without your agreement.


Change The Locks to Deadbolts

A normal door lock is very easy to pick for someone who knows exactly what they’re doing and has the equipment. Lockpicking devices are available cheaply online, too, for those determined individuals.


Deadbolts are bigger, and the keys are bulkier, but they are a great investment for your peace of mind when it comes to securing gates and doors that open to the outside.

Consider Smart IoT Investments

Thinking of having some cameras, body sensors, and door and window alarms? Why not go the whole hog and invest in a smart IoT system for your property?


Getting devices that work together in a smart ecosystem will mean easy management of your property, usually from one simple smartphone app.


The added bonus with smart IoT systems is that you can also set up triggers and actions to make your property more automated!


Get A Safe For Valuables

 If you hold valuables on your property, such as jewelry or even firearms, it’s worth getting a safe to keep them in.


If the worst does happen, and you find yourself the victim of a home invasion, having your personal valuables locked away in a safe will ensure you’re not going to lose something that is precious to you or risk an invader picking up a weapon and using it against you and your family.

 Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
