Get Your Evening Routine Right And Finally Catch Some Z’s

Have a good night’s sleep is something we all want. Whether you’re a sound sleeper with a solid pattern or a tosser and turner that can never settle down, being able to rest well and feel refreshed is a goal for everyone. But it isn’t always that easy to achieve

If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep every night, have you thought about the things you do that might be stopping you? Sometimes, it’s just down to your evening routine. By trying to be mindful of your actions, you can make a huge change. So, if you’re keen to start sleeping better, follow these steps and see if you notice a difference.


Wind Down

First of all, it’s important for you to start calming your body down ahead of sleep. If you’re too wired before you try to shut off, it just won’t happen. It might even be something you’ve started to notice yourself. But if you’re not sure why it happens, there could be a range of reasons. Are you checking your smartphone before bed? Screens generally keep your mind more active, so it’s best to set them aside for an hour or so before bed. You want your mind to start calming down at this stage, not starting to race.

Calm Down

Next, you’re going to want to get your body to relax. You now know what not to do before bed, but what should you be doing instead? One of the things that can help your body to relax is chamomile tea. It has soothing and calming qualities that can assist you in your search for the land of nod. On another note, it’s also important to stay away from caffeine before bedtime. If you’re drinking coffee at 9 pm and wondering why you’re still away at midnight, that might be why. Instead, sip your chamomile and start to relax. You might even want to take a bath with soothing scents to help your muscles and mind unwind.

Get Cosy

Then, as your body is preparing itself to slip into sleep, you’ll want to help facilitate it. Do you love to be in your bed? Is it relaxing for you? If you’re uncomfortable, it might be another reason why you’re tossing and turning all night. At the same time, if you bring your work into the bedroom by reading papers or working on a laptop, it can also stop you from seeing your bed as the place to sleep. So, you need to turn it into a slumber paradise. If your mattress is lumpy, invest in a new one. If you can’t get comfortable, then why not use a v shaped pillow or choose some better quality bedlinen. It might be all you need to do to rest better.

Get In The Sleeping Frame Of Mind

Now that you’ve ditched the distractions, your body is starting to relax, and you’ve made yourself comfortable, you’re going to want to make your mind sleepy. One of the best ways to do that is to read before bed. It can help you switch off, unwind and your mind into another state – which is what you’ll need to do when you sleep. Or, if you really can’t bring yourself to find any kind of book you’d enjoy, listen to soothing music and see if that helps you to switch off instead. Either way, your mind should start to relax and allow you to slip off into a sound sleep in no time at all.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
