Avoiding FOBA with Panasonic Smart Home

We’re fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel a lot and that means making sure everything at home is taken care of while we’re away; from asking Mother Dearest to make sure the fridge is stocked for our return to picking up parcels – I spend a lot of time before an upcoming trip planning so that I can relax and we can enjoy our time away. The last thing I ever want is a case of FOBA… Fear of being away!


Smart Homes by Panasonic is a wireless monitoring system for the home that can be set up in minutes and allows you to keep an eye on your house while you’re away – yes you read right, while you’re sunning yourself on a beach sipping mojitos you can check in with you phone and see how your herbs on the windowsill in the kitchen are doing or if you’re like me and know they’ll be dead (Because every plant I touch literally dies, forget green – I’ve got black fingers!!) you can check on you home and make sure everything is as you left it.

Even though I’m use to travelling a lot and being away from home for sometimes lengthy periods there’s always that niggling fear that one day I’ll return home to find we’ve been burgled, with the Panasonic Smart Home I could literally be anywhere in the world and have peace of mind that our home is safe.

The easy to install system uses wireless technology and is fully customizable to suit both your house and needs and you can be up and running in next to no time.

Nothing beats getting on a plane and heading out to a new adventure and with Panasonic Smart Home there’s no chance of FOMA making an appearance in my holiday wardrobe.

This is a collaborative post
